Krav Maga Ireland Course Feedback

Feedback from course participants on the krav maga ireland self defence course aftee just 3 weeks

Financial Advisor on Devloping financial plan

Interesting article for those looking to manage the wealth.   There are a number of key factors that must be assessed when putting together a suitable investment plan. Each of these factors will need to adequately match your own personal needs and objectives. Below I have identified the main criteria that should form the fundamental […]

Financial Advisor quality advice online

A financial advisor can be be help in sorting out your finances.  is an interesting website aims to provides its visitors with high quality financial advice from a financial advisor online. The sites provides videos covering income protection, mortgage protection, savings and investments, There is also a free financial advice guide.  

Self Confidence form Self Defence

Interesting article on self defence and how Krav Maga help it on he Krav Maga ireland website.   It outlines the structure of confidence and how taking self defence classes can help with self confidence. The full article can be found here   Krav Maga For Self Defence and Self confidence  

The Dirty Secret Fitness Trainers Don’t Want You to Know

Fitness Class Secrets

  There are hundreds of different fitness classes in Dublin, but do your fitness trainers really want to help you get the result you want, be it to get lean, lose weight are improve fitness? Of course your fitness trainer wants you to get a little bit fit. But the problem with the way the […]